Electric Fireplaces: Adding Warmth to Your Home Without the Hassle - Beattys of Loughrea

Beatty's has a diverse range of electric fireplaces that combine warmth, elegance, and ease of use, perfect for adding a cosy touch to your home without the hassle of a traditional fireplace.

Here are some options based on your interest in electric fires:

Warmlite Whitby Electric Fire Inset

This model offers two heat settings, realistic LED coal and flame effects, and comes with a remote control for easy operation.

Dimplex Prism 34" Wall Mount Electric Fireplace

This sleek and modern electric fireplace offers a blend of technology and artistry. The Prism series brings a range of ambient light themes that can be adjusted to suit mood or decor, along with lifelike flames that can be enjoyed with or without heat, making it a perfect year-round addition to your home. This model is designed for wall mounting, creating a statement piece in any room.

Warmlite Stirling Electric Fire Stove

A stylish addition to any room, this stove has two heat settings, an adjustable thermostat, and a realistic LED log flame effect.

Dundee 22" Curved Glass Wall Mounted Fireplace (2KW)

The Dundee electric fireplace features a curved glass front and offers 2KW of heat output, making it not just a stunning visual addition but also a practical one for heating your space. It comes with a remote control for easy adjustments and provides a cosy atmosphere with its realistic flame effect. This model is ideal for anyone looking to add a touch of modernity and warmth to their living area or bedroom without the need for a chimney or venting.

Warmlite Perth Panoramic Log Fire Stove

Offers a panoramic view of the realistic LED flame, two heat settings, and manual control for your comfort.

Warmlite Moray Log Fire Stove

Features a 180-degree panoramic window, two heat settings, overheat protection, and an adjustable thermostat.


Each of these electric fires provides a hassle-free way to enjoy the ambiance of a real fire, along with the convenience of electric heating.

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